Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

So FYI today is my Father's 80th Birthday. He is a decorated veteran of three wars (W.W.II, Korean War, and Vietnam) father of seven children, six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. (He's been very busy!)

But to me my Father has always been the support and push behind my career and love of music.

The arts were always encouraged in our house, it actually just dawned on me a year ago that I have made a career out of this without even realizing it. I remember when I decided that I wanted to transfer to NCSA, (which was a huge step up from the College of Charleston) my Dad sat me down and told me a story of how he had always wanted to be an architect (of course he fed that drive in other ways, draftsman in the military and designing our home) and how he wasn't able to go into that field because it just wasn't the thing to do at that time.
He told me that if I was accepted into the school he would find a way.

And he did. I think that the best thing that a parent can do for their child is to support their interests, whether they share them or not. I never worried about playing too late at nite (my Parents claimed it relaxed them, sweet aren't they!) or stressing about how much it would cost to upgrade to that cello that would take me to the next level (well maybe a lil bit for that last one) because I know that he and my Mother would find a way.

So Parents "SUPPORT YOUR KIDS" they'll thank-you for it later.

And Dad Happy 80th, I'm proud of you.


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